ICA Digital Signature

In order to declare and pay taxes in Bogotá, no Digital Certificate is needed, this is the clarification made by the Department of the District Treasury after the confusion generated by the publication of Resolution DDI-001381 of January 2018, which indicates that as of September 1, 2018, all the declarations that by concept of Tax of Industry and Commerce and declaration of retention of the tax of industry and commerce, notices and boards; and sobretasa to gasoline; they must be presented through virtual tools.


In www.haciendabogota.gov.co you will find the link to enter the Virtual Office, register and access all the tax information, both personal and company.

The system allows you to do it by digital certificate or electronic signature. If you do not have a digital certificate, do not worry, you must choose the option of electronic signature, which is nothing more than an authentication password that the system will give you to validate your information and allow you to take the next step: declare and pay in line or if you wish, get the receipt to pay it in the bank.

It is important to clarify that the process is completely free and that no digital certificate is required at any time. The deadline for taxpayers who use the electronic signature is Friday September 21.

Those with digital certificates can continue using it and have a deadline to declare and pay until September 30; However, it is the taxpayer's decision to purchase and use this type of certificate, but not an obligation imposed by the District Administration.

Likewise, it should be noted that as of September 1 of this year, as a result of Law 1819 of 2016, which unified the format to declare and pay ICA and ReteICA, all the procedures of this tax will have to be done electronically and in the case of Bogotá, the only available channel to do so is the Virtual Office.


Finally, the SHD remembers that fulfilling the obligation to pay this tax is free. It does not need intermediaries, nor must it incur additional costs. Everything is done online.