
All kinds of advice. We are an organization with a strategic vision that provides our clients with permanent control and advisory services, creating ideas and solutions for the different situations faced by the business community.



Financial audit: Aimed at issuing an opinion on the financial statements, in order to express the reasonableness with which they are presented: Statement of Financial Position, Statement...
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ACCOUNTING: Our accounting outsourcing service analyzes the conditions that affect the entity, establishes its importance and the trends of the operation, evaluates its environment and based on legal standards, procedures and internal policies...
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International Taxation

International taxation is a must for doing business in the 2020’s since the world is becoming a smaller and hyper-connected place for all-size companies that are looking for growth in and outside Colombia...
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Fiscal Auditing

For taxpayers, who according to the law are required to have the figure of Statutory Auditor, we offer services to companies or traders, who must submit their financial statements audited...
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Legal and Tax Advice

In the legal and tax advice we base and start from the complexity and dynamics of the legal rules, allowing our professional and specialized team to make adjustments to the advice taking into account the needs of our clients, legal alternatives are analyzed to optimize the use...
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In HLB Colombia you will find a team of highly trained professionals who, from an external perspective of your business, can guide you on multiple issues...
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Tax advice: Permanent advice on national, departmental and municipal taxes. Special advice on tax return revisions...
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Transfer Pricing

Transfer Pricing ensures that transactions between related parties are carried out under market prices. That is, that between companies of the same economic group, goods...
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