ICA Digital Signature

notadminBlog, blog, Uncategorized

In order to declare and pay taxes in Bogotá, no Digital Certificate is needed, this is the clarification made by the Department of the District Treasury after the confusion generated by the publication of Resolution DDI-001381 of January 2018, which indicates that as of September 1, 2018, all the declarations that by concept of Tax of Industry and Commerce and declaration of retention of the tax of industry and commerce, notices and boards; and sobretasa to gasoline; they must be presented through virtual tools.

Tax on the income of natural persons

notadminBlog, blog

Este sistema se encuentra consagrado en el capítulo 10 de la Circular Básica Jurídica de la Superintendencia de Sociedades y establece que las empresas que cumplan con determinados requisitos deben implementar sistemas de autocontrol y gestión del riesgo de lavado de activos y financiación del terrorismo (Sagrlaft) en un plazo de 12 meses contados a partir del 1 de enero del año siguiente al cual cumplieron los mencionados requisitos.


notadminblog, Blog, Uncategorized

NIAs The implementation of the International Standards for Auditing and Quality Control, issued by the IFAC, requires the Public Accountants and Independent Auditors to carry out audits and reviews of financial information, and other related services, to monitor compliance with said Standards. Taking into account the above, the Auditool Team has designed a new tool, which will allow the Partners … Read More

Official letter 220-137265 of 2018 Decrease of the additional investment to the assigned capital, does not require authorization of the Supersociedades

notadminblog, Blog

Este sistema se encuentra consagrado en el capítulo 10 de la Circular Básica Jurídica de la Superintendencia de Sociedades y establece que las empresas que cumplan con determinados requisitos deben implementar sistemas de autocontrol y gestión del riesgo de lavado de activos y financiación del terrorismo (Sagrlaft) en un plazo de 12 meses contados a partir del 1 de enero del año siguiente al cual cumplieron los mencionados requisitos.